Ethan did a good job of posing in front of the tree so I could take some pictures for our Christmas cards. Here are a couple of my favorites.
How will Jim, Alessia, Ethan, Lucia, and Zero, handle a new addition to the family?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas Photos
Ethan did a good job of posing in front of the tree so I could take some pictures for our Christmas cards. Here are a couple of my favorites.
Thanksgiving and Pumpkin Pie!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Meijer Gardens
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Ethan went as Elmo this year- he LOVES Elmo. Here he is with Nonna and Grandma Jeri, Grandma Sue, Uncle Nick and Aunt Sunny, and Mamma (or, as Ethan has been calling me lately "mamma aletha" (mamma alessia)- which is kind of annoying!)
He was a big help while we were handing out candy, every once in awhile he would say "mine" as we were giving it away- he did get a few bites of KitKat- which he loved!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Lincoln Park Zoo
Here are a few pics from the zoo in Chicago. It was a great day (no rain!). They were having a "harvest fest" at the farm zoo, the kids were able to pick out a pumpkin. Ethan, of course, went into the pumpkin patch they had set up and started throwing them around, so we had to help him along a bit so he wouldn't damage any!
We all had a great time walking around and checking out the animals. Ethan has been saying "monkey" more and more, so he was pretty excited to see some monkeys swinging around.
Shedd Aqarium

We had a great visit- Ethan loved all the "fishys!" and "monkeys." He had a great time at the aquarium putting his face right up to the glass at watching the fish swim by!
Art Prize 2009

Ethan has enjoyed going downtown, or "dow tow" (he drops the 'n's when he says it!).
For more information check out (I think).
Sunday, September 13, 2009
1st Hair Cut- During
1st Hair Cut- Before
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day Project
Carousel Ride!
Jim and Aunt Tess
Remembering Aunt Tess

Wilcox Park
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