Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Bike Trailer!

What a day we have had here at the Bradford house!
We purchased this bike trailer off Craigslist earlier this week. This morning we had plans to go and get Ethan a bike helmet so he and Jim could take it out for a ride.
So, this morning, I get a call from work and the staff tell me that a man has found my work bag in his garbage can. He looked inside the bag and saw my business cards, so he called. I went out to the garage and sure enough someone had rummaged through the truck and had also taken our two mountain bikes! We felt so violated!
I called the GRPD to file a report. A very nice officer came out to take our information and then even sent the forensic officer over to see if she could pull any prints.
My work called me back when the man had dropped off my work bag, he had left his name, address, and phone number with the staff. The address where my work bag was found was not too far from our house, so Jim decided to take a walk in that area just to see if he saw anything- like our bikes! I told Jim to take Zero for protection- he laughed a me- but ended up taking him!
As luck would have it, Jim spots his bike in a group of three guys. He calls me, I call the police back to let them know that we think we see one of our stolen bikes. In the meantime, Jim flags down a police man that was driving by and gives him the story. The police man agrees to hold the guy until the officer that helped us this morning arrived to the scene. The police talk to the guy who has Jim's bike and he says he got it this morning from a "buddy." Jim was standing nearby, the officer told Jim to go home so it wouldn't be obvious to the guy that this was Jim's bike. Shortly after Jim came home, the office pulls up with Jim's bike in his trunk! An almost perfect ending to a horrible start to the day (sadly, my bike is still missing).
Jim was quite pleased with himself for tracking down his bike- as he said "the prey has become the predator- they probably weren't expecting that!"

PS- Ethan loved his ride in the bike trailer- Jim said he kept yelling "Go Faster Daddy!"
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Unknown said...

What a great story, and I am so glad that Ethan liked the trailer!

I hope your bike is found soon, Aless!


Sandra said...

I know Jim will be wearing an helmet soon.....:)