Tuesday, February 22, 2011

House of Sickness

So we all have colds. Lucia's started over the weekend, then made it's way to me, and now Ethan. Jim keeps saying he thinks he's getting sick, but I don't think he's gotten it yet.
Ethan is by far the worst. This morning I cleared some sleep out of his eye, then two hours later I noticed there was more yellow gunk in the corner of his eye- well it's just gotten worse all day long, so I'm pretty sure it's pink eye. I just hope Lucia doesn't get it now!
I called the doctor- they said to do some warm compresses and call them in a few days if it hasn't cleared up- hopefully it will go away on it's own.
Pink eye is gross- Ethan helped me wipe down the door knobs, some toys, etc. today, but I can feel the germs creeping around me!
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