Saturday, May 4, 2013

Fire-Rescue Expo

We took the kids to a Fire-Rescue Expo held by the GRFD.  It was actually very fun.  They got to meet the fire mascot dog . . .
watch firefighters put out a real fire . . .

get really close to cool fire trucks . . .

put out a real fire with a real fire hose . . .

this picture cracks me up!  Ethan looks so serious (the guy helping the kids did a really good job!) . . .
and eat sno-cones!  What a fun day!
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Lucia and her bike

Lucia enjoyed biking around the big parking lot too while Ethan was learning how to ride his two-wheeler.  She has also improved quite a bit on her little tricycle.  She can actually steer her bike in the direction she wants to go- something she did not quite understand a few weeks ago!  Maybe she'll be ready for a two-wheeler this summer too!

Lucia has the attention span of a gnat, she often get off her bike and goes to explore something else.  Last night, Jim thought it would be funny to pick up her bike and tease her with it.  It was great- she would run after Jim and yell "put down my bike daddy!  Drop it!  Drop it!"  This is a good way to have her burn a ton of energy!
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He did it!

Ethan learned how to ride his two-wheeler today without training wheels.  We actually started practicing last weekend with this little bike Nonna bought for her grand kids.  It's purposefully designed without peddles or training wheels so the kid can learn to coast/balance on his own time.  Ethan started out by scooting around our back parking pad and coasting for short distances.  Then Jim took him out front so he could practice coasting for longer distances with his feet up.   

On Thursday and Friday night, we went up to a church parking lot near our house so he could practice coasting and turning for even longer distances.  He did great! 

Today, it was time to re-introduce his two-wheeler (sans training wheels) so he could get used to the bigger frame, the peddles, and braking.  Jim ran behind him a few times, but he was already a pro at balancing, so it did not take long. 

We went up to the parking lot again tonight so he could practice going around in big circles all by himself.  He loved it!  It was great to see his confidence build as he learned to ride his bike. 

What a big kid!  Good job Ethan!
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