Wednesday, October 13, 2010

In Other News . . .

Ethan and Lucia have finally switched rooms. Ethan is now in his big boy room/bed and Lucia is in the nursery. Ethan is doing great sleeping in his new room and in his new big boy bed. The first few days we tried to have him nap in his new bed were a disaster- we would hear him running around upstairs, getting into things, putting blankets on his sister because "she's cold", etc. Then my sister-in-law Sunny had the great idea of putting the gate in his doorway (instead of the top of the stairs). That way he can still run around and get into things in his own room, but not destroy the other rooms upstairs. Well, I tried it and it worked! At nap time, he will still run around his room and play with his toys/books (or take his clothes out of his dresser and scatter them about), but eventually (after about 30min) he falls asleep- in his bed! It's great! I'm so happy because I was not ready to have Ethan stop napping- I need that 2 hours in the middle of the afternoon for me time!
I will post some pictures of Ethan and his big boy room soon- I tried to get some the other day, but he was not cooperating.

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